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Friday, December 9, 2011

Life's a Witch by Brittany Geragotelis

I have really enjoyed following this book's progress on Wattpad.  I stumbled upon this book one day while browsing and anxiously awaited each chapter as it was posted. I feel like Hadley is part of my family now.  I watched her grow from the beginning of the story to the wonderful ending and loved every minute.  I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves witchcraft and a strong feminine lead character.

This book can be found on Wattpad:  or if you want to hold an actual book in your hand, it is also on sale at

I feel like it's important to support authors who are doing it on their own as well as those who have the backing of huge publishing houses.  Read this wonderful book and tell me what you think in the comments.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Hi! Just wanted to tell you thank you so much for your kind blog! I absolutely agree with you. As writers, we must help support other writers...whether with a mainstream publisher or through self-publishing. I'm so grateful for all my fans and my fellow authors both on Wattpad and beyond, and I SO appreciate you trying to spread the word about Life's a Witch! You're the best! Thank you so much and see you round Wattpad.

Brittany Geragotelis