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Sunday, May 3, 2009

I've found a new home

While browsing around the internet the other day, I happened to find a website called It's awesome. It's an online place to list all the books in your library, complete with a forum, place to write reviews on the books you own, pick up tips on future books to read, etc. One of the major things I like is that they have a place where you can go to get advance copies of books that haven't come out yet. I signed up for a few, not really thinking anything would come of it. Imagine my surprise when I snagged two of them. :D They haven't arrived yet but I am impatiently waiting on them. Once I get them and after they've been read, I'm supposed to do a review. Sounds like fun to me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I have a new obsession.

I've spent the past few hours poring over this website.

It's freaking addictive. The places and pictures that are on here are so cool. I can't stop clicking through them. Very creepy and mysterious and haunting all at the same time. We've got places like that around here but I've never really explored them. Well, not with a camera or anything. Makes me thing I should. These places wont be around forever.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Getting Older

My birthday is Sunday.

Birthdays aren't fun anymore. They are a reminder of aging and how one day, you will be 80 and OLD. You may not think it now but one day...

When did that change? When did they stop being fun?

I think for me it was when I turned 21. Now what is there to look forward to? I'm an adult and each year only brings me closer to my mortality.

I'm 25 on Sunday.

Next stop---30.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Crazy crazy rambling post

Went back to work on Wednesday, had a small nervous breakdown on Thursday, made it through Friday and here we are at Saturday. This week has been insane. The girls are good, I'm kinda shaky though. It's been very stressful for me to go back to work. I got used to being at home everyday. Our house is a disaster and I probably on got about 5 hours of sleep last night. I wanted to sleep late today but I guess what they say is true. No sleep for the wicked. :) If only I could get Zoe to nap now. Abbie's sleeping, Nick's sleeping. Wish I were.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tomorrow's the big day

That I go back to work. I can't believe 6 weeks has flown by so quickly. Seems like just yesterday I was hugely pregnant and wishing that I could go ahead and have this baby. Now she's here and she's growing every day. I wish that I could stay home with her like I did with Zoe. I didn't go back to work after Zoe until she was a year old. I feel like I'm going to miss everything with Abbie. It makes me want to cry but I know that I don't really have a choice. Nick said he liked me being home too but we can't do it. One good think if that I really like the girls' babysitter. I meet her online and we just really clicked. She kept them today and it worked really well. Oh, well. for bathtime for everyone and get ready for tomorrow.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Back to the real world

For the past almost 6 weeks, I have been a stay at home mom to two kids. On Wednesday of next week, I have to become a working adult again. I have mixed feelings about this. Part of me is happy to be going back to work because I like my job. I like what I do. But there's another part of me that is regretful. Part of me that does not want to leave my babies again. I know that's not a possibility though. I have to work. We can't afford for me not to. So next Wednesday will be bittersweet. I will miss being at home but I like the adult conversation I get to have at work.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Things I've realized

1. It is not sexy to wear low riding jeans when you have back fat. And are over...say, 35. And that's going a little far on the age.

2. Pointy toed shoes are not cute. At all.

3. Getting drunk at a bar and shouting "I'm drunk!" is not sexy.

4. Hitting on someone else's date on Valentine's Day is enough to get a drink thrown in your face. (And I'm serious about that.)

5. If you can dance to Mustang Sally, it's probably time to leave the bar because you are way too drunk.

Friday, February 13, 2009

New baby, new problems

So we have a new baby in the house now. I don't know about you but I value sleep. I need sleep. I like sleep. With a new baby, you get no sleep. My oldest is two now. She sleeps through the night, no problem. Yes, it took us about 1 1/2 to get to that point but I enjoyed it. Now we have a newborn who has no respect for mommy's need for at least a little sleep to be able to deal with her older sister. All I can say is she better be glad she's so freaking cute.